You know where to find me … but don’t

Several years ago, I connected, through another blog, with a Facebook group called “as seen this day” – yes, with lower case. The main “rule” is to post a photo or series of photos from your day. Nothing fancy required, though some people do post some very fancy things.

I don’t often post, but when I do I try to stay true to the original purpose.

Here is my photo from today.

Hot chocolate and a new murder mystery on a cold and rainy weekend. Don’t come looking for me. I’m happy here in my cave.

May be an image of coffee cup and book

A VERY long weekend … in the House

A girls’ weekend in Paris that turned into a 7 week holiday.

I had hoped the protests wouldn’t mean too much of a delay on the tube. No one was admitting it was due to the protests that caused the “minor disruptions”, but my 30 minute trip took 90 minutes. I’d allowed some extra time. As it turned out, just enough to get me to the Houses of Parliament on time for my guided tour.

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Across the Ditch in 2012: Chocolate and Beer – Who Wouldn’t Come Here?

Monday – you would think we could manage one quiet day over Easter, wouldn’t you? Maybe for our 29th anniversary today. Nope, not us.
We arrived early for our 9.30 tour for the Cadbury factory which gave us time to walk to the Railway station and admire its beautiful architecture and decoration.

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