Water, water, food and food

This morning we went to Luan Cave where we had the choice of kayaking ourselves or going in a small boat rowed by a guide. This cave was lovely but would have been a lot nicer without the rubbish in the water.

Everyone enjoyed viewing the monkeys before we headed back to the boat.

Back on board we had a “cooking class” which actually turned out to be how to construct spring rolls. A bit of fun, with some doing better than others. Best part was eating them as part of our early lunch. Worst thing was Cassie thCassowary almost getting kidnapped.

We then headed back to Hanoi for another overnight stay, stopping at a pearl farm on the way. We watched the process of seeding the oysters and walked through the saleroom. We weren’t tempted at all, though a few in our group were happy to buy something to remember the trip by.

Stu and I went separate ways tonight.

He, being the foodie, did the street food tour and enjoyed roast pork, crab and prawn spring rolls – there were live prawns waiting to go into the next batch – crispy flatbread with chilli sauce and bia hoi, Hanoi pancakes – rice crepe with prawns, banh mi (Hoi An special), bun cha and egg coffee.

No one ate the roast dog.

WARNING: the group of photos below includes the roasting dogs. Scroll past fast to avoid it.

Along with another couple from our trip, I went to the water puppet show followed by dinner. Our guide was very snap happy and insisted on taking dozens of pictures.

The puppet show was a great cultural experience. Fascinating to see at the end how the puppets are manipulated. And difficult to see how they don’t get tangled.

I didn’t enjoy my dinner. Not to my taste. But the company was great.


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