The ABC of Me

Aging disgracefully. At least I hope so.

Beautiful. We all are.

Cryptic crosswords. I solve them. I compile them.

Dog lover. Despite the cats we’ve had for years, I’m not a cat person.

Eclectic. This is another way of saying I don’t have a style. I just like the stuff that I like.

Flawsome. Awesome, but with flaws.

Good grief, you’re still reading. Well then …

Holidays … the reason I’m still working.

Introvert. No one believes this but I like nothing better than spending time with myself. With a book, a movie or a cryptic crossword. Or nothing at all.

Jealous. Just a little bit. Of those who have given up most of their worldly goods and just travel. Including our son. I just don’t think I can do it. This could change. Watch this space.

Kids. I have 2 adult ones. Love them both.

Lazy. I should say more about that shouldn’t I? But I can’t be bothered.

Married. For 30+ years. It doesn’t define me. It’s just a fact.

Naughty. I play Cards Against Humanity. And I laugh. A lot. Yes, I know it’s wrong. I can’t help it.

OCD. Not in a clean and tidy way (I’m definitely not that). Not counting steps (though I do that too). But the chances of me ever missing a plane are so far below zero as to not be worth bothering with. I would rather sit in the airport for 2 extra hours than risk running late. This is one of the reasons I’m stuck with “J”. But being “I” lets me deal with all that spare time.

Political. If only politicians cared more about the people who elected them and less about perpetuating their own position, I wouldn’t need to be. If politicians had to live in the world they created, they’d create a different world.

Queensland.  Despite the fact that we keep holidaying everywhere else, you’ll be hard pressed to get us to live anywhere else.

Rain. The smell. The change in the light. The sound on the roof. Dancing in it. Jumping in puddles. The feel of it on my face. Getting drenched and cold and warming up afterwards. Sailing paper boats down the gutter.

Storms. I love them. The more thunder and lightning, the better.

Twisted. Refer to “C”.

Umbrella. I have one. Somewhere. But it never rains here. Which probably explains my enthusiasm for “R” and “S”. I don’t need an umbrella at home. And I forget to take it when I travel. So, I just get wet.

Victoria and Albert Museum. My favourite museum in the world.

Working for my holidays.

Xenophile. Well, if you’re going to welcome random travellers into your home you could hardly be anything else.

Your worst nightmare. At least I will be if you start me talking about my holidays. Especially if you ask for photos. Be afraid.

Zero tolerance for bigots and wankers. That is all.

21 thoughts on “The ABC of Me

  1. Truly hilarious. I love this creative idea. I am a teacher and creativity speaks to me! I so get your waiting in the airport for hours for fear of missing the plane. I would never be late… and am never late… always early. I have a new word too now. Flawsome…I am afraid I have to steal that, ok? Made me really laugh. Happy blogging and travels, Cheryl


  2. This is hands down the best About Page I have read to date on WordPress! I am so happy to have found your little creative space! Love it 🙂


  3. I love the thought of Working for our holidays – this makes work feel more joyful! It’s great to connect with you and I am enjoying your blog with the tips on travelling and insights you share. Looking forward to reading more.

    Liked by 1 person

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